Students - Proper Knowledge matters in our Daily society life । Knowledge is Power

Students - Proper Knowledge matters in our Daily society life । Knowledge is Power

Students are the future of our country. If we can build students properly with real education, then it will be very good for our society, because better Knowledge matters our life. The man was at first almost like an animal. His power then rested only on physical strength. But in this respect, he was no match for many beasts. So he had to live in constant fear of them. In course of time came, knowledge matters and it gave him the power to get mastery over the entire animal kingdom. No doubt knowledge is power. Student life is the first phase of human life. They have to understand knowledge is power and proper knowledge matters not only our student life but all our lives. Now let's take a look at what are the special quality can change our lives.

knowledge matters

Self-help means doing our own work ourselves. No doubt, it is not possible for any man to do all his works himself. So everybody has to depend to some extent on other persons. Still, the most successful man is he who depends on the least on others. There are men who do not exert themselves at all but will have things done for them. They are like persons walking on crutches, completely at the mercy of the crutches and never able to move fast. They lose their strength of mind and power of physical and mental exertion. Moreover, everybody has his own work to do, and few people have much time to spare for others. So when we leave work to be done by others, it is either not done at all, or not done as well as we may expect. In this connection, we should remember the story of Hercules and the Carter. The wheels of a cart got so stuck in mud that the horses could not drag them out. The carter now began to pray for help to Hercules, God of strength. God appeared and told him to put his shoulder to the wheel. The carter did this and the cart moved on. From this has come the saying, 'Put your shoulder to the wheel', that is, one should exert oneself first if one would have a thing done.

If we try to do our own work ourselves, we have the satisfaction that it is not neglected. Even if it is not done well we do not grumble or feel bitter. Moreover, nothing is sweeter than the fruits of our own exertion. People sometimes present to others most ordinary vegetables produced in their own gardens. The prices of the things do not count; it is the fact that they were produced by them with their own hand that matters. Besides, self-help gives self-confidence, develops the faculties, and strengthens the mind and character.
This habit of self-help, like all other habits, should be acquired early in life. Children should not be given much help in arranging their clothes and books. In their studies also students should not be helped too much. Many have private tutors and help books. The result is, their power of independent thinking is not developed and consequently, they cannot fare well in the struggle of life. The business of parents and teachers is to guide them, and help them only when they fail.

'United we stand, divided we fall' is a well-known proverb. An individual may be strong physically. But no single individual can be a match for a group of adversaries. Collective strength will always prove superior to individual strength. A collection of sticks bound together will not be easily broken but taken out singly, one by one, the bundle will easily give in. A single man cannot build a bridge, but an army of workers together can. 

Society is kept together by a common bond of customs, morals, and aspirations’. A club or association helps this process in a big way. The British ruled over India by their policy of 'divide and rule'. The Indians far exceeded them in number but were defeated, because they were not united.
In our national sphere today the need of unity is immense. The evil and divisive9 forces are trying to use religion, race, language, caste, etc. to destroy our peace and unity. We must fight these forces by remaining united. India was once divided because of disunity. The country may be divided once again if we cannot overcome disunity and distrust. We can sort out differences in a democracy by discussion and mutual understanding. Violence is no answer to disunity. We must develop good neighborliness for achieving our goal of common prosperity. Unless the country is united, we cannot overcome poverty and earn the respect of the world community.

"Genius,” said a brilliant Englishman, "is an infinite capacity for taking pains." It is the grand old virtue of patience that we are talking of. "Rome was not built in a day," runs the good old proverb. It is said of Emperor Augustus that he found Rome brick and left it marble. A long line of emperors who followed Augustus added further to its splendor. Rome became a wonderful city with her temples, arches6, palaces and the long, wide roads going to the ends of the empire. All this, however, was the work of centuries.

If patience is so marvelous and creative its opposite "impatience" Ideas to failure and frustration. A fidgety' man is actually off his balance. He is suffering from a kind of nervous disorder". He suddenly changes his plans. He leaves his work half done. He is damped by failures. He has not the spirit to see a job through. He is, in fact, doomed to failure.

The rewards of patience may be late in coming, but they are sure to come. The child learns to walk after a number of falls. The swimmer masters his art only after floundering in water for days together. He possibly swallows water and chokes himself quite a few times. The story of Robert Bruce has passed into a proverb. Six times he fought the English and lost. In his seventh effort, he routed the enemy and won freedom for his country. A successful Ide is nothing but an epic struggle of patience and wisdom. Sufferings are there, it must be admitted, but happy fruits of success in the long run enough compensate that.

The man was at first almost like an animal. His power then rested only on physical strength. But in this respect, he was no match for many beasts. So he had to live in constant fear of them. In course of time came knowledge, and it gave him the power to get mastery over the entire animal kingdom. He invented weapons with which he not only scared away beasts but even killed them. He learned how to hunt beasts like the deer and the hare which can run very much faster than he. He also learned to use the swift-footed horse for his own purpose. As knowledge increased, his power also increased until he became the lord of creation.

Knowledge has also enabled man not only to withstand the forces and elements of nature like rain and wind but even to use them for his own purpose. He has been able to add to his physical comforts, to annihilate distance, rise above the force of gravitation, create artificial satellites and even to land on the Moon. And there is no knowing to what greater heights he will soon reach by the power of the knowledge.
There is a proverb, "The pen is mightier than the sword." The empires built up by political conquerors of old have passed away; but Buddha and Jesus, Shakespeare and Kalidas and Rabindranath built up empires of the mind that still going strong. In the political field too we see that the countries that are more advanced in knowledge are more powerful than those that are less advanced in this respect.

Unfortunately, however, the power of knowledge is being used by a man more and more for destructive purposes. It makes one nation stronger than another and helps the former to oppress the latter. Indeed, it is this disparity that lies at the root of rivalries among the different peoples of the world. It has cost us the soul in our mad pursuit of material prosperity. But as the soul is more important than the body, there are men who would do without the power of knowledge and go back to Nature when people enjoyed greater peace and happiness in their simple souls.

Time flies. It never stands still to oblige even the most powerful dictator on earth. The success of individuals as well as of nations depends upon the proper use of time. What is most remarkable about time is that it brings opportunities. For a man, it may be the chance of a lifetime. Punctuality makes us time-conscious.

A punctual man disciplines himself to work according to schedule'. He thus gains self-confidence and inspires confidence in others. The lazy man is usually unpunctual. He keeps others waiting and fails to keep his own appointment. Such a man is doomed to failure in life. One of Napoleon's secretaries used to be very late. He always blamed his watch for it. "Either you must get a new watch," said Napoleon bitingly, ' 'or I must get a new secretary". Napoleon valued punctuality.

Lack of punctuality may create all kinds of bottlenecks. It may cause a stalemate in business and industry. If goods are not delivered in time, both buyers and sellers will suffer. If appointments are not kept as announced there win be only chaos.

knowledge is power

Everybody has to do some positive work in life. A man's success depends on the quality of his work as a nation's progress depends, in a broad sense, on her production. Unfortunately, works have often been neglected and mere words have flourished. In offices and workshops, on streets and in cafes, only 'words, words, words’. We are a talkative nation. Not that we are engaged in serious and fruitful discussion, but often we are engaged in futile gossips and heated comments to no purpose. This has become our national habit, so to say.
Yes, gossips also have their place in life. But these should come after the daily work has been completed. Talkativeness hampers work and destroy the seriousness of purpose. Idle and tall talks can solve no problem. We are a developing nation. We still lag behind many other countries. We must work hard to narrow the gap. We must, therefore, work more and talk less.

Criticism for the sake of criticism, word for word's sake, means nothing. If we are work-minded, we shall love self-criticism more than criticism. Self-criticism aims at improving the quality of work. Propaganda and advertisement come after the work itself, and if work or product is good, that itself, is its best advertisement. But if we are slack and lazy, if our trains and buses run late, if our productions are behind schedule and our products below standard, mere words, however clever, cannot hide our poverty and backwardness.

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In a country like India where a large number of people are poor and illiterate. Students have a special duty to the masses. Students should spend some vacations among the masses. They should teach them orally the principles of rural banking, the uses of electricity and fertilizers, even history, geography and the cultural history of the country.

There are many things which can be done without depending on the Government. Small roads can be constructed and repaired, wells may be dug, and tanks may be cleaned. A sense of cleanliness, sanitation, hygiene, mutual help, and civic duties may be inculcated. Superstitions and corruptions can be eradicated only by changing the outlook of the people.

Students should go to the slums and backward villages and point out why there are epidemics in those areas. They should also organize cultural functions for the poor. Poverty is depressing, but drudgery is killing. We should know that a student's education is incomplete if he is not involved actively in social services. A student' belongs to society and has a duty towards it. Social service gives him the necessary training for growing up into a responsible citizen. Social service is not a fashionable cliché, it should be an integral part of education.

Human life flows like a river. It passes through different stages— childhood, youth and old age. These are like the beginning, the middle, and the end of a drama. Youth, it is true, is the most active and productive l period of life. But old age has its role and charm too. An old man has the maximum experience of life. He can advise best in many matters. Old people, acting often as a sort of anchor or umbrella of sprouting families, are invaluable.

A retired life need not be an idle life. It may not be strenuous but it can be fruitful. The society has a duty to its veterans— the old men and women. We should pay respect to old men. This makes life graceful. There is a custom to celebrate the birthdays of the veteran people. The fiftieth, the sixtieth and the seventy-fifth years are observed as golden, diamond and platinum jubilee respectively.

Life is a continuous process from generation to generation. From parent to child, the river of life flows on. The old people are our lighthouses to guide the young sailors. One day the younger sailors will become old and become the lighthouses to sailors to guide the next young generation. This tradition is a treasure. And we must preserve it with care. Our duty to old people is nothing but our duty to ourselves, to our tradition, to the process of life itself.

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