Madhyamik Bengali Suggestion 2021 | WBBSE | Class 10 English to Bengali Translation Suggestion 2021 | Download PDF

Madhyamik Suggestion 2021 Bengali WBBSE - English to Bengali Translation

Madhyamik Suggestion 2021 Bengali. Madhyamik Bengali Suggestion 2021 read and download PDF for better results. WBBSE- Madhyamik 2021 Suggestion with the most important question for English to Bengali Translation.

madhyamik bengali suggestion 2021

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Madhyamik (10 Th class) Examination 2021. Madhyamik Suggestion 2021 with common. Total marks for Bengali is 100. 90 marks will be written and 10 marks for the project work. This year Madhyamik 2021 Bengali Exam will be held on 1 st June 2021. WBBSE- Madhyamik 2021 Suggestion and practice sets. There many types of questions. MCQ, VSA (Very short answer type), Short and Explanatory, and Essay. Download all PDF versions and practice carefully. ‘AVM WORLD’ always tried to serve you best suggestions, reading tips and tutorial with the most important question with sure common.

Madhyamik Suggestion 2021 | Bengali (Translation)

Student life is the stage of preparation for the future. This is the most important period of life. A student is young today. But he will be a man tomorrow. He has different duties. He should perform them well. As a student, his first duty is to study and learn. He should be careful about his lessons. The lessons are so many stepping stones to success in life. The fruits of the future are never assured if they are not preceded by preparations in the prime time of a student's life.

Honesty is a great virtue. If you do not tell a lie, if you do not deceive others, if you are strictly just and fair in your dealings, you are an honest man. No one can prosper in life if he is not honest. A shop-keeper who is honest is liked very much by his customers. In fact, honesty is the best policy in matters of trade and commerce. Trade and commerce which are based on exchange depend to a large extent on mutual trust. This trust is made and sustained by honesty.

Students are devotees in the temple of learning. They are born to study books, to prepare for examinations and pass them. They must not be allowed to peep through the window of the temple of learning. The hue and cry of the world, the heat, and dust of life, generally do not move them. They are also protected from the heat and dust of life. All these mean that they get ready for the greater struggle of life. If all the energy is used in the warm-up exercises, the game may be lost. So they must be careful about their goal.

There were once to friends- a lion and a bear. One day they went out in search of food. They were very lucky to find out a dead deer lying in the forest. They were selfish friends. So, each of them demanded a full share of the dead animal.

There was a king who lost his kingdom being defeated by his enemies. He wished to regain his kingdom at any cost. He collected troops and made six attempts one after another to drive away from the enemies. At last, he was crowned with success.

Among these five are very important for this year. Download the translations with answers in pdf format,


WBBSE Bengali Suggestion 2021:

One day a crow was very thirsty. It searched for water here and there but in vain. At last, it saw a pitcher. But there was little water at the bottom of the pitcher. It found some pebbles near. It picked them one by one and dropped them into the pitcher. Then the water raised to the high.

Wealth is no doubt necessary for happiness in life. But it has a tendency to concentrate in the hands of a few. The result is the rich become richer and the poor poorer. This is certainly a misuse of wealth. It should be fairly distributed among all, so that it may bring happiness to the greatest number of people in society.

Last Saturday was a memorable day in my life. I went to the river for taking my bath as usual. Suddenly a boy fell into the deepwater of the river and cried out for help. Hearing that I was puzzled for a few seconds and then I tried to help him.

One day Sir Isaac Newton went out of his room, leaving on the table a heap of papers containing his long research on the theory of Light. There was on the floor of the room lying his pet dog Diamond. No sooner had he gone than the dog jumped up on the table and upturned the lighted candle and the papers immediately caught fire. Returning after a few minutes Newton found that all his hard labor of twenty years had been reduced to ashes. But the great scientist patted the dog on the head exclaiming "Oh, Diamond, you don't know what you have done!"

Once there was a beautiful princess. When her mother died the king married another lady who had a magic mirror. The mirror said, 'Queen! You are beautiful, but the princess is more beautiful than you.'

Student life is the stage of preparation for the future. This is the most important period of life. A student is young today, but he will be a man tomorrow. As a student, his first duty is to study and learn.

Once two women were quarreling about the claim of a child. They went to the judge for justice. The judge called the executioner and ordered, "Cut the child into two halves and give one half to each of the women „ One of the women when she heard the order, remained silent, but the other woman began to weep.

There were once two friends—a lion and a bear. One day they went out in search of food. They were very to find out a dead deer lying in the forest. They were selfish friends.

There was a shepherd boy. Every day he would go up the hill to graze the Sheep hard. One day, just to have fun he shouted, "Wolf! Help! Wolf, I Help l" Down the hill, the farmers were working in their field. They heard his cry for help and at once rushed to the boy.

Home is the first school where the child learns his first lesson. He sees, hears, and begins to learn at home it is home that builds his character. In a good home, honest and healthy men are made.

Newspaper reading has become an essential part of our life. As we get up in the morning, we wait eagerly for the daily paper. The twentieth century was an age of newspapers. Through newspapers, we gather information about different countries of the world.

Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. No person can be happy without having sincere friends. But selfish persons fail to make real friendships. Because to get love, you must give love in return.

Once a mouse disturbed a lion in his sleep. The lion caught the mouse and was going to kill it, but it begged for pardon and was let go. Shortly after, the lion was caught in a strong net. Hearing this roar the mouse came there and cut the ropes with its teeth.

Read also, Madhyamik Physical Science Suggestion 2021

WBBSE Suggestion 2021 with Sure Common 

There were once two friends—a lion and a bear. One day they went out in search of food. They were very lucky to find out a dead deer lying in the forest. They were selfish friends. So each of them demanded a full share of the dead animal. They could not reach my settlement. Then, there was a fight between the two.

We should try to prosper in life. But we should not give up our sense of morality. If we compromise with dishonesty, it would be difficult for us to respect ourselves. So it is important to choose the right way.

Hercules was a great hero. He was once going on his way to an unknown place when he saw a giant. The giant was even taller than a mountain and was holding the sky on his head. He asked Hercules, 'Who are you and what do you want?' The hero said, 'I am Hercules and I want to go to the garden of Golden apples.'

Once two friends started on travel. Their way lay through a forest. As they came halfway through the forest a bear was seen slowly approaching them. One of them climbed up a tree. The other did not know how to climb a tree and lay flat on his face without breathing.

Once a soldier was made a prisoner of war. After a few years, the war ended and he was released. One day while he was walking near a market, he saw a bird-seller with a cage full of birds for sale. The soldier bought the cage and then set all the birds free one by one. When the people around asked him about his strange behavior he replied, ‘I know the agony of captivity.’

Home is the first school where the child learns his first lesson. He sees, hears, and begins to learn at home. It is a home that builds his character. In a good home, honest and healthy men are made.

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The world is like a looking-glass; if you smile, it smiles, if you frown it frowns back. If you look at it through a red glass, all seems red and rosy; if through a blue all blue, if through a smoked one, all dull and dingy. Always try then to look at the bright side of things. There are some persons whose smile, whose voice, whose very presence seem like a ray of sunshine and brighten the whole room. Great everybody with a bright smile, kind words, and a pleasant welcome. It is not enough to love those who are near and dear to us. Life is indeed a tragedy at times, and comely very often

Honesty is a great virtue. If you do not deceive others, if you do not tell a lie, if you are strictly just and fair in your dealings with others, you are an honest man. Honesty is the best policy. No one can prosper in life if he is not honest.

Once a wolf was much pained by a bone that stuck into his throat. He requested everyone to take off the bone and promised a handsome reward. But one ventured to take the risk. At last, a crane came and drew out the bone.

One fine evening a young princess went out to take a walk by herself in a wood. In this wood, there was a lake, by the side of which the princess sat down to rest. She had a golden ball in her hand and this was the plaything she liked most. She was always throwing it up in the air and catching it as it fell.

Jagadish Chandra Bose showed that there are no differences between the life of plants and animals. If we give the plants a blow, they feel it, and if we make them drink poison, they are affected by it like us. Like human beings, they also sleep at night and wake up in the morning.

Good books are a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. Anyone who has the key can enter these storehouses and help himself. What is the key? Simply the ability to read. He who can read can store his mind with the great thoughts of great thinkers of the world. The man who never opens a book has an empty mind.

The jackal saw the deer and said to himself, 'How healthy the deer is? His flesh must be very tasty and I must eat it'. He then went to the deer and said, 'What are you doing here? Come with me. I will take you to the grassy plot. You will eat green grass there at your heart's content.'

It is impossible to describe the beauty of the Taj in words. It has been called 'a dream in marble' and a 'teardrop on cheeks of time', but the fairest phrases fail to do justice to the surpassing creation of art. The Taj is best to seem by the moonlight when the dazzling white marble is mellowed into a dreamy softness.

Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. No person can be happy without having sincere friends. But selfish persons fail to make real friendships. Because to get the love you must give love in return. But a selfish person cannot get friends. You cannot receive love unless you give it. If your neighbors and companions do not love you, it is your fault.

Once on a summer day, a poor cap-seller was going to a fair for selling caps. Being tired he sat under the shade of a tree leaving behind his basket containing caps. The gentle breeze made him drowsy and soon he fell asleep. After a while, he suddenly woke up and was surprised to find that there was not a single cap left in the basket. Then he began to cry.

Man is the maker of his own fortune. We cannot prosper in life if we are afraid of labor. Some people think that success in life depends on luck or chance. Remember without hard work success is never attainable. Scientists have invented lots of wonderful things by dint of labor. In fact, life is nothing but a chain of labor.

Student life is the stage of preparation for the future. This is the most important period of life. A student is young today. But he will be a man tomorrow. He has different duties. He should perform them well. As a student, his first duty is to study and learn. He should be careful about his lessons.

My next work was to discover the best place to store my goods. There was a steep hill near. I took one of my guns, climbed to the top of the hill, and saw I was on an island with no house or person in sight, I spent the rest of the day unloading the cargo.

Patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it. Every Soldier does more than this. They risk their lives because they love its hills and valleys, its cities and villages, its people, and their way of life. They are willing to defend it against enemies who try to conquer it and destroy it.

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